A Savior is Born

Not just a helper or a teacher...Not just a mentor or a preacher.


Are you feeling worn out and weary?

It seems that everything this time of year demands a smile, a joyful heart and a cup of good cheer. But not everyone feels that way at Christmas. Good thing Christmas offers something more.

Are you ready for something to feel hopeful about this Christmas?

15 Ways to Make Christmas Real

Real, true, sure hope. Hope that isn't dependent on headlines or health, accomplishments or activities. Hope that isn't about what you can do, but what's already been done for you.

Hope that is real.

Join us for a Countdown to Christmas, where we'll explore 15 ways to make Christmas real this year.


How it Works

Step 1

Request Your Free Download

Our Countdown to Christmas download outlines 15 ways to keep Christmas real this year.

Step 2

Join us for Christmas

Celebrate the real Christmas with us on Saturday, December 24 at 4, 6 or 10 PM.

Joy Church
123 W. Apple Lane
Westview, WI 12345

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